Contact Group: /financial-members/full-adult/
2025 Winter League Nominations are now open!
By completing your nomination, you are agreeing that you have read and understood ALL the information & conditions provided on this
nomination form.
To nominate, you will need to select each league format you would like to nominate from the drop-down boxes and process full payment for
your nomination before the closing date of Friday 22nd March. Due to the high number of nominations, all nominations are processed on an
individual basis and only considered if paid in full. The Selection Committee will follow the APTC League Selection Policy in Team
selections, and you can request a copy of this at any time. While we do consider requests to play in particular teams and are generally
able to accommodate these (please specify in the comments section if you would like to request a particular team), we will not be accepting
team nominations. Therefore, please ensure all members of your team submit their individual nominations by completing this link.
Nominations will close Friday 23rd March
2024 Winter League Key Dates:
Alexander Park Tennis Club is offering nominations in the below leagues:
If you would like to play with a particular team/person or if you will only be available to play part of the season, please note this in the "Comment/Note" box at checkout. This will be considered per the above note. If we are unable to accommodate a
particular request, we will do our best to contact you before teams are submitted to Tennis West and NDTA. Initial team lists will be sent
out before submission to Tennis West and NDTA, and final team lists and gradings will be communicated prior to the start of the
For any queries or if you are having difficulties with the nomination process, please contact
Conditions: To be eligible to play all players MUST be a current financial member of Alexander Park
Tennis applicable to the league they wish to participate in and have paid the nomination fee in full. If you wish to withdraw your
nomination and apply for a refund, please advise via no
later than Friday 23rd March.
All nominating players must have a Competitive Player Profile (CPP) set up. If you do not have one, please follow the instructions
provided in this link -
Any fines or penalties imposed by Tennis West (e.g., Team withdrawal after grading, team forfeit), shall be the responsibility of the team to pay, and not by the Club.
The Team Captain is responsible for the team players availability for each round, as well as providing the match balls for home rounds, scorecards, recording, and confirming results online using TA Match Centre website.